This is the place where I love you.
This is the place where you can love me.
I wanna touch your hand with my heart.
Singing is the only thing I can do.
You can say "I love ya", but you will say "I love ya song".
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
This is the place where I love you.
This is the place where you can love me.
I wanna touch your hand with my heart.
Singing is the only thing I can do.
You can say "I love ya", but you will say "I love ya song".
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
+ + + + + + + + + +
If you hug me tommorow, I would definitely not sleep tonight.
I will sleep in your arms.
Your warmth hold me gently and take me to dream world.
You can say "I love ya" there.
I will say "I love your warmth".
You can love me.
You can love me.
You can love me.
You can love me.
I have seen the blue sky lying down on the grass.
I wish I could have you next to me.
You will mutter something.
Don't mutter, and whisper "I love ya".
My heart allways tweets "I love you" like a little bird.
So happy, and you?
This is the place where I love you.
This is the place where you love me.
You are a knight only for me.
I'm your princess.
Can't a princess love her knight?
Can't a knight love his princess?
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Do you know I love you?
湧き上がる拍手。スミレはアキラを見つめた後、ゆっくりと空を見上げて、夏の光を顔いっぱいに浴びた。スピードとフィリーをちらりと見て、腰のリボンを取って長い黒髪をポニーテールに結ぶ。そして、口元に笑みを浮かべながら両足を肩幅に開いて踏みしめて、右拳を空に向かって突き上げた。それを見たスピードとフィリーが「Yes, mam」とつぶやいた。
つぶやいてます。Twitter @inomama2
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